The Differences Between Asian and African Elephants

While Asian and African elephants may appear to be similar in appearance, there are still many differences.

The first difference is in their sizes. The Asian elephant is the smaller of the two elephants, tipping

the scales at 3.25 to 5.5 tons. The African elephant measures around 5.5 and 7 tons. The African elephant is also taller than the Asian elephant with a tallness of 10-13 feet. The Asian elephant is only about 7-12 feet tall. The qualifications in size between the two sorts of elephants are likely due to their legacy and customary normal environment.

Physical Characteristics and Adaptations

There are a couple of physical differences that you will notice between Asian and African elephants. The Asian elephant has more diminutive ears than the African elephant, notwithstanding the way that they both serve to cool down when it gets too warm. The African elephant has only three toes on each back foot, however the Asian elephant has four toes on each of the back feet.

The African elephant's back is concave while the Asian elephant's back has a hump. Both sorts of elephants use their trunks to help them with step by step activities like showering with water, eating, and relating with distinctive elephants. Nevertheless, the African elephant has two "fingers" at the end of their trunk while the Asian elephant has one. All African elephants have tusks, even the females. On the other hand, most female Asian elephants do not have tusks. If they do, the tusks are not really noticeable.

These are just a few differences between the African and Asian elephants. Click here to learn more.